Your business

needs visibility from all angles

Your data

needs constant protection

Your users

are out in the wild internet frontier

Cyber threats are hitting your business right now.
Is your security up to the task?

SOCAutomation’s DataHelix AI delivers fully autonomous Security Operations so that your business and your security teams can run at the scale required for today’s complex world.

The Autonomous SOC:

Scale to Secure

Ingest, parse, detect, contain, remediate and report.
Every one of these tasks is necessary to secure your business. All of them are complex and simply too expensive in time and effort to be done manually.

SOCAutomation’s fully Autonomous SOC hits these pain points directly leveraging our AI and automation technology, empowering your team to scale.

Automate and Elevate

Smarter Work, Less Effort

Network attacks are not new.
Making them easy to avoid is.

SOC analysts experience an alarmingly high number of alerts, leading to alert fatigue, decreased productivity, and an increased risk of missing critical security incidents. Current alert management processes and systems are struggling to filter and prioritize alerts, resulting in a flood of low-value or false-positive alerts that demand substantial time and effort to investigate, causing exhaustion and potentially overlooking genuine threats.

Capacity + Visibility = Impact

Machines enable a depth and breadth of monitoring not achievable by a human workforce. Empower your experts to do their highest-value work while SOCAutomation detects and responds to threats.

Tried and trusted by global businesses

Join these businesses who are using SOCAutomation to save time, money and resources

What our customers have to say

“SOCAutomation’s ability to automate the collection of our network data from all over the globe has massively helped us to reduce our costs and maintenance”
     – Rob, Pentland Brands
“Wow, automating our compliancy across our huge global infrastrecture has been a huge help in reducing manual staff work”
     – Chris, Bet365

“The DataHelix automation and AI detected and fixed attacks we didn’t even know we had!”
     – Martin, BGL Insurance Group