Turning Cybersecurity into a Winning Strategy

In an era marked by the rapid growth of online activities, enterprises often grapple with the dual challenge of catering to an extremely high volume of visitors while maintaining robust security measures.

Bet365, one of the top online gaming businesses in the world, with over 90 million customers, operates across multiple global locations and were facing escalating threats amidst this overwhelming visitor traffic.

A SOCAutomation Case Study

Bet 365

Ensuring a secure environment against attacks and potential breaches, particularly in the face of extremely high volumes of visitor traffic from various locations around the world, was a growing challenge for Bet 365. They engaged with SOCAutomation to help them find a rapid and reliable solution.

To tackle this imminent security threat, the organization made the following strategic decisions:

Deployment of SOCAutomation Edge AI: This AI-driven threat scanning system was instituted across the enterprise’s global footprint. Its purpose was to identify and report potential threats at the earliest opportunity.

Real-time Threat Alerts: The detected threats and attacks were relayed in real-time to the organization’s dedicated Security Operations Team. This ensured prompt attention to and evaluation of each threat.

Enhanced Data Gathering and Content Enrichment: By automatically collating related data and enriching the content linked to the attack data, the organization drastically accelerated its Incident Response processes.

Automation Triggers for Remediation: Not stopping at mere detection, the system was also equipped with triggers to initiate automatic remediation of validated threats. This instantaneous action eliminated potential breaches even before they could wreak havoc.

The benefits of these strategic implementations were immediately apparent:

Improved Time-to-Resolution: The response time for incidents experienced a staggering 85% reduction, allowing the organization to address and resolve threats at an unprecedented speed.

Significant Reduction in Attack Vectors and Breaches: The automation ensured that 93% fewer attack vectors could lead to potential breaches. This robust system, which automatically dealt with threats, played a pivotal role in achieving this reduction.

Find out how SOCAutomation can transform your business

DataHelix Artificial Intelligence

AI machine-learning that detects, triages and remediates threats across your organization's assets and users

Network Detection & Response

Detect and correlate threats and suspicious activity across your cloud, on-premise, sd-wan and remote network infrastructure

Phishing Detection & Response

Detect Phishing attacks and campaigns and automate the response in real-time Phishing Detection & Response

Alert Triage & Orchestration

Automate your workflows across your existing tools and investment Alert Triage & Orchestration - automate your workflows.

Continuous Threat Exposure Management

Automatically detect and rectify vulnerabilities and attack surfaces across your internet estate Threat Exposure Management.

Learn more about the technology behind the products


DataHelix TI

Leading-edge AI technology that detects new, randomized, auto-generated and as-yet-undiscovered threats attacking your estate



Privacy-driven vulnerability and web scanning for global enterprises


DataHelix Auto-SaaS

Unlock automation benefits without incurring the high costs of typical manual SOAR kits